Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Last weekend

I participated in my first 12k run ever this weekend, it is one of those things you just do when you live in Spokane. It opened my eyes that maybe I should have prepared more and yet somehow my husband talked me into doing this in a month. I really don't know what I am thinking. I hope you all had a great weekend I got to spend my with out-of-town family and of course my boys, we all had a lovely time, we even found some great restaurants around town that we had heard about but hadn't tried, if you have never been to Spokane then let me tell you that is a great achievement in itself as we have been called a deserted wasteland of good food by many people and I do agree. See you all tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday's.


  1. Twelve kms.....we're exhausted just thinking about it. Maybe the boys can run with you.

    XXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella

  2. Oh yah, I am with Daisy, Kendra and Bella
    It makes me tired just thinking bout it. BUt that you did it was GREAT!! WTG

