Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Ernest!!

Today is Ernest's 2nd birthday, doesn't he kinda look like the Lorax??? Okay maybe that is just me. 
We got him a couple of gifts. 

He has already enjoyed playing with them and so far the squeakers and stuffing have stood up to the Scottie Test. There is also a dog cookie made by a local bakery owned by a Scottish couple (how appropriate?) and some very strong toys for him to enjoy and don't worry we got a cookie for Porter too. We were thinking about taking the boys on a nice long walk but for natures own April fools day joke, it is snowing. Later the boys will each get a nice bone for dinner. 
So Happy Birthday Ernest! 
I hope you enjoy your day even a fraction as much as we enjoy having you.


  1. Happy Birthday Ernest!! Too bad the walk was postponed, but we're sure you'll get it soon. Sounds like it was a good celebration anyway.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

    You do look Lorax-like.

  2. Happy Birthday Ernest. Have fun with your toys!!


  3. Happy bEARTHday Ernest! While looking up photos on the internet, regarding The Lorax, I found your blog. I have a West Highland Terrier who I've been saying looks like The Lorax and looks like your baby's kin SeaStar. Terrier Love and Terra (Earth) Love to you & Ernest. Loved synchronistically finding your blog today! Here's a link to mine if you'd like to take a peek.
    <3 ~ Rory
